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T他的文章提供了一个入门 how a traditional broadcaster could start to move services to a cloud provider. I spoke with an engineer from a government-owned Europe一家电视台和订阅服务公司同意在没有直接署名的情况下指导我们完成整个过程.

“我们创建了所谓的公共云平台团队,他们负责设置环境和相关服务,以部署云实例,工程师说。. This team makes sure there’s tooling to deploy new code 和服务. It is responsible for security and scaling, 所以并不是每个团队都需要做同样的工作来学习最有效的扩展方式.

在云环境中工作需要改变工作流的使用和配置方式. Essentially, you’re setting up a CPU (and/or a GPU) and assigning work to it. 对于过渡到云服务的人来说,一个常见的错误是忘记关闭服务 在使用后. 带有上限的服务限制可以防止某些配置不当的东西在30天后出现意外的巨额账单.

“在云工作流程中, you have to be more explicit about permissions and firewall rules,工程师说。. “It also requires you to understand your workloads, such as how many CPUs you are going to use to run something, 你需要多大的存储空间, and how many viewers you’re expecting to stream to.”

将工作流迁移到云端的请求可能源于以下几个需求:从资本支出过渡到运营支出, 提供冗余, to transition end-of-life on-prem applications, or to support a specific sporting event that’s expected to be very popular.


One of the inevitable questions that arise in cloud migration is build, buy, or both?

“有很多领域, 如果你从外部供应商那里购买, 如果你不够幸运,他们已经为你完成了很多工作,你就必须自己做很多工作. Some have absolutely, but it’s a minority at the moment,” says our engineer. “当我们开始的时候, 我们着眼于为我们想要实时运行的流基础设施切换供应商. 我们是
时间冲. 事实证明这很难.”

The engineer outlined a couple of things to keep in mind when choosing vendors:

  • 确保你找到了真正了解云的供应商,并且已经将应用程序编写为云原生(我们甚至还没有看到多云)。.
  • Understand the performance of cloud virtual machines or cloud storage, and understand how it impacts the product and performance.

Cost isn’t really a barrier, the engineer says; it’s more of a change to thinking in a consumption-
based way: “The cloud is kind of nebulous to the C-suite. You’re not buying a physical thing, and some people tend to view that as a risk. The benefits of scale are what we’ve primarily focused on here. 还有其他好处,比如安全性和冗余,我们可以在将来讨论.”

你如何在提供足够的服务中找到准确的平衡,这样你就不会出现短缺, 但是你也不要花太多的钱? Testing configurations should almost go without saying, 但与我交谈过的工程师注意到,一些组织没有认识到测试的必要性,并且倾向于在没有测试的情况下继续进行. “他们希望在云上的工作和在本地一样,但事实并非如此.”

Still, there are some deployments that won’t really benefit moving to the cloud. 一些相当稳定且不需要高峰使用的东西很可能更具成本效益.

在最近的流媒体连接活动中, 安迪海滩, CTO of media and entertainment at Microsoft, likened the difference between cloud and on-prem to “cattle and pets.用比奇的比喻来说,牛是食物链的一部分,但你一直在喂宠物. 然而,挑战在于大多数人都不知道养宠物要花多少钱.

如果大多数考虑云迁移的广播媒体公司都要弄清楚他们的本地系统成本是多少,并进行直接的成本比较, they would likely conclude that more services should run in the cloud. 从财务角度来看,那些跨入云服务领域的公司很可能不会后悔这个决定——至少在他们忘记将云服务剥离之前是这样.

与我交谈的工程师谈到了这样一项体育赛事:“我们希望扩展到我们无法通过内部部署基础设施接触到的观众. Either we had to go and buy a lot more hardware, or we had to find another solution. 这就是云的由来. We’re likely to have somewhat similar peaks to other streaming services, 而是因为我们有生活, it might not be the same sort of peak we see as somebody who has mainly 视频点播.”


“The first workloads we moved had the most peaks, 哪个是视频平台,工程师回忆道。. “The video platform processes the metadata about what’s available. It contains 信息 about what content is watched, 这个系列的下一个内容是什么, 如果观众想继续观看. It also has all the ways of browsing content, like news, drama, and 视频点播.”

对于身份验证和访问管理工作流,让我们使用基于云的SaaS提供商. Next come the consumer commercial parts, like selecting the right streaming package. 这意味着升级, 降级, 或者任何形式的合作伙伴整合,你可以从有线电视提供商的客户那里获得权利. web前端现在也是基于云的.

premise because that’s where the TV is produced,” our source says.

Processing a piece of content scales very easily. As the streaming services have matured, they’ve licensed larger content catalogs. The engineer notes, “We’ve licensed big catalogs, run on the cloud. Some of the day-to-day encoding runs in the basement data center. 它在做
本质上是一样的, but we haven’t updated the on-prem technology, 所以我们希望逐步淘汰这种做法.

“一段内容可能需要45分钟,但我们可以同时运行数百个内容. 我们还需要分配存储空间. 如果是内部的,我们可能会受到限制. In the cloud, we can do hundreds or thousands at a time if we wanted to.”


工程师的组织有各种各样的产品,包括预定的广播, 视频点播, 弹出式频道. “Many organizations haven’t had to estimate costs in the way you would in the cloud,工程师说。. “这需要对明年将制作多少节目以及预计会有多少观众观看这些节目进行估计. 这是广播公司不习惯的,因为节目只适合直播频道. Planning for the content that you’re going to run is pretty much spot on, but how are you going to predict whether it will be 500,000用户或550用户,000个用户?”

Scale is more challenging to predict with some events than with others. “有些事情我们可以预测,比如我们知道某项体育赛事将会很受欢迎,”这位工程师说. “有些预测很难. You end up trying to make sure that you can scale under most circumstances, but that means you have to over-provision capacity, 这就增加了成本. 或者您可以使用自动伸缩组,它以编程方式伸缩容量,而无需用户参与. I don’t think cost estimating is particularly hard, as long as you accept that you’re going to be off by 10 or 15%.” Getting more exact numbers “is almost impossible.”

Advance provisioning is key to managing scale, the engineer explains. “我们将提前开始供应, and if it’s something hitting our resource allocation, 我们在它成为问题之前抓住它. 即使我们的设置是正确的,也可能不是同样的设置对其他人有效.”

Other things to plan for include the following:

  • 数据传输成本
  • 你的CDN缓存有多有效

“我认为我更容易理解云计算的成本,因为所有东西都有价格,工程师说。. “I can model my workloads and how much data transfer and how many CPUs I’m going to use.”


  • CPU和GPU是什么样的
  • 你需要多大的存储空间
  • 当你的

“I don’t see people doing the same cost estimation f或在-premise,工程师说。. “你很少会对实际在内部运行工作负载的成本进行内部定价. What usually happens is that people plan and buy X number of servers, 把它们放在架子上, and then we have a bill for electricity over time. But that doesn’t tell you the cost of your workloads. 它告诉你服务器的成本. 您实际上并没有为您的工作负载定价,因为您的工作负载只占您在那里使用的欧洲杯在哪投注的10%.”

Nadine Krefetz 是否有咨询背景,为她所写的许多领域提供项目和计划管理. 她还专注于流媒体行业的竞争分析和技术营销. Half of her brain is unstructured data, and the other half is structured data. 可以联系到她 nadinek@realitysoftware.com 或在 LinkedIn.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Cloud Atlas: MovieLabs’ 2030 Vision Roadmap for Industry-Wide M & E互操作性

MovieLabs的首席技术官Jim Helman讨论了他为好莱坞电影公司创建内容分类标准的经验, 以及MovieLabs的十年战略,将互操作性带给尽可能多的供应商. 赫尔曼帮助创建的娱乐标识注册表(EIDR)是一个内容标识,现在拥有超过2个.8 million records modernizing many aspects of production and operations. 他还将向我们介绍行业对“2030愿景”战略的最新反应,该战略旨在为媒体创作技术带来互操作性, requiring less custom engineering and better communications between software, 基础设施, 和服务.
